SUPERBODY, cyber digital Avatarbot or bio-cyber analog Neurobot, HAI, Human Artificial Intelligence Robot, with a BES, Body ExoSkeleton and attached Arms/Legs/Thorax/Head external carbon composite, cyber electric-photonic components, with 6 independent cyber heart-lung-neural systems capable of oxygenating, nurturing, immunizing, controlling temperature, supplementing their bio counter-parts and communicating directly with Brain vascular neural motor cortex sensors.
Avatarbot operates self-remote-internal with/without Human inside, which is conscious or unconscious, with/without vascular/neural connection with heart/lung/brain. Avatarbot supports life while bio-body is rebuilt/regenerated. Analog bio-cyber Neurobot is a cyber digital Avatarbot with bio cells, tissues, organs developed in support of the DNA donor.
Macro-electro-mechanic Cbot/C-Life, Mini-electronic Obot/O-Life, Micro-electronic Abot/A-Life, Micro-Biologic Nbot/N-Life can produce natural in-vivo bone, ex-vivo bio Super-Bone, hybrid biocell+carbon-graphene-scaffold Super-Bone.
Macro-electro-mechanic Cbot/C-Life, Mini-electronic Obot/O-Life, Micro-electronic Abot/A-Life, Micro-Biologic Nbot/N-Life can produce natural in-vivo skin, ex-vivo bio Super-Skin, hybrid biocell+carbon-graphene-scaffold Super-Skin.
Super-Skin Graphene-Hydrogel, Super-Skin-Collagen, Cell-Culture-Scaffold, Super-Bone Graphene-Aerogel, Super-Bone-Marrow, Cell-Culture-Scaffold form the structure of modular member of C-Life/Cbot (Cubebot), O-Life/Obot (Omnibot), A-Life/Abot (Avatarbot) and Nlife/Nbot (Neurobot).
Modular Super-Bone, bone, cells, tissues, organs and members can be used by original DNA donor Humans, their clones and/or their Cbots/Obots/Abots/Nbots. Bone skeleton is structural organ of Human body, endo-bone-exit endo-supplements and age structure endo-model.
Modular Super-Skin, skin, cells, tissues, organs and members can be used by original DNA donor Humans, their clones and/or their Cbots/Obots/Abots/Nbots. Skin is largest organ of Human body, exo-intra-skin entry exo-supplements and age appearance exo-model.
BLH, Brain-Lung-Heart-Head-Helmet, detached Avatarbot Head, connects at the jugular veins receiving deoxygenated blood, circulating the blood in helmet to receive incoming ambient air and/or stored oxygen, supplements and sending oxygenated blood back into carotid artery.
Vascular internal cylindrical flexible stent sensor at the motor cortex can capture moving neural instructions and send to arms/legs that have with thorax their own heart-lung circulation: TLH, Thorax-Lung-Heart; ALH-L/R, Arms-Lung-Heart Left-Right; LLH-L/R, Legs-Lung-Heart Left-Right, also detachable from Avatarbot.
Human natural 5 senses (vision, hearing, smell, touch, taste) and any added artificial sensors are input analog to natural and/or artificial brain neural network multi-variable weighted systemic processing to verbal/action output of natural body, super body and/or artificial body avatarbot/neurobot.