Dengue Prevention-Cure with natural low cost high efficiency IUI Individual Universal Immunotherapy C-Life-IUI-CBM-SAV-SAS-SAT.
Dengue antibodies for virus type 1-2 are a Trojan horse for types 3-4, binding but not stopping them from entering cell and replicating. IUI, Individual Universal Immunotherapy allows supplementation of ex-vivo antigen-antibodies complex, antigen loaded B/D/T-cells and innate cells to stop virus 1-2-3-4.
Low quantity IgM/IgG antibodies for Dengue 1-2 type virus create vulnerability to Dengue 3-4 types, Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), contaminate B/D/Macrophage/Monocyte cells via Fc Receptor. IgA antibodies, Neutrophils, Anti-Microbial Peptides (AMP) and antigen loaded T-Cells are efficient.
Increasing ex-vivo IgM/IgG/IgA concentrations in relation to pathogens and immune cells to generate multiple bindings can increase efficiency and decrease vulnerability. IgA antibodies can be produced ex-vivo with B-cells in mucosal environment and induced by cytokines as TGF-Beta and IL-6.
Ex-vivo antigen mosaic Dengue 1-2-3-4/Antibodies IgA/IgM/IgG complex and AMPs can be delivered intra-skin via spray, patch and/or sub-lingual pill to neutralize virus, induce more in-vivo B-cell antigen loading and antibody production.
Ex-vivo Neutrophils, antigen loaded T/B/D cells can be delivered intra-venal and additional antigens 1-2-3-4, antibodies IgA/IgM/IgG, AMPs to prevent/cure, since contagion of Dengue is via mosquito bite into blood stream.
Covid-Flu-Cold Prevention-Cure with natural low cost high efficiency IUI Individual Universal Immunotherapy C-Life-IUI-CBM-SAV-SAS-SAT.
Allopathic medicine partial vaccination raises viral loads and mutations. Anti-symptomatic drugs reduce the first line of defense (pain, fever, inflammation, congestion), transforming localized epidemics into national/global pandemics and repeating annual endemics.
Biologic Medicine can eradicate spreading virus with epidemic isolation/tracking, mandatory testing/vaccination, 45 degree resting for gravitational congestion esophagus flow, avoiding contamination of sinuvial cavities/sinusitis, lungs/pneumonia, hydration, nutrition, temperature control.
Covid-Flu-Cold virus antigens/antibodies can be nano delivered intra-skin with arm patch, sublingual pill, nasal spray, delivering prevention/cure at the point of exit/entry of contamination arm raising defenses against viral loads. Eye Drops can also be added to the SAV-SAS nano delivery system.
Over 1 million lives/year abandoned because of endemic covid/flu/cold pneumonia, because of partial-vaccination, anti-symptomatic drugs, invasive respirators and bacteria/fungus/virus hospital contagion. Super Auto Vaccine, ex-vivo antigens/antibodies can prevent and cure.
Viral, bacterial or fungal pathogens interact with host cells in different ways and the immune system responds to each type differently with a customized immune response evolving various mechanisms to effectively combat these diverse threats in-vivo that can be replicated ex-vivo in ideal space/time.
Viruses are intracellular pathogens, they must enter host cells to replicate. They attach to specific receptors on the host cell surface, enter the cell, and hijack the host's cellular machinery to produce new viral particles. This process often results in cell damage or death.
Immune system response to viruses involves cytotoxic T cells, as CD8+ T cells, that kill infected cells, and Natural Killer, NK cells that destroy cells lacking normal MHC class I molecules. Antibodies produced by B cells can neutralize viruses and prevent them from infecting new cells.
C-Life Cubic Cell Culture Life
Biologic Medicine individual hardware-software system to coordinate regeneration including IUI-CBM-SAV-SAS-SAT, Individual Universal Immunotherapy, Cell Bank Medculture, Super Auto Vaccine, Super Auto Supplement, Super Auto Test, producing anti-viral antigens and antibodies.
IUI Individual Universal Immunotherapy
Repeating in-vivo immune system strategies in ideal space-time quantity-type ex-vivo conditions, using immune cells extracted from centrifuged blood and/or CBM, Cell Bank Medculture, to identify/produce viral antigens/antibodies/antigen loaded immune cells.
CBM Cell Bank Medculture
Ex-vivo produced immune/functional cells, exosome mRNAs to identify/produce viral antigen sub-unit proteins identified via IUI, Individual Universal Immunotherapy, antibodies via B cells, nano delivered via intra-skin SAV, Super Auto Vaccine, arm-patch, nasal spray and sublingual pill.
SAV Super Auto Vaccine
Mosaic multi sub-unit protein antigen/antibodies identified/produced ex-vivo via CBM/IUI, Cell Bank Medculture, Individual Universal Immunotherapy, nano delivered via intra-skin arm patch, nasal spray, sublingual pill, for in-vivo cure/preventive antibodies immune supplementation.
General SAV Covid-Flu-Cold, Mosaic-Sub-Unit-Antigens, General Adjuvant-Antibodies, Arm Patch, Nasal-Spray, Sublingual-Pill. Individual SAV Antibodies, Cell Bank Medculture and Intra-Venal Antigen Loaded T/B/D Cell Reserve. The same system can be used against virus, cancer, bacteria and aging.
Natural Exosome Human mRNA can be produced ex-vivo for in-vivo production of antibodies or for ex-vivo production of antibodies for in-vivo immunity. Non-human mRNA can be used ex-vivo to produce antigens for in-vivo immunity induction or ex-vivo antibodies production for in-vivo immunity.
Non-human mRNA for in-vivo production of antigens to induce in-vivo antibodies and immunity can generate an immune tolerance. Because the cell remains healthy and/or can generate an immune response. But a healthy cell will be destroyed and generate a T-cell loading immune response.
Non-human mRNA antigen production in-vivo immune response may be only temporary since future feedback may be that it is actually benign. Unless a real pathogen and a real non-human RNA indicates that it is actually harmful. It could require constant immunity reinforcement and revision for mutations.
IUI/SAV Covid-Flu-Cold ex-vivo antigen sub-unit mosaic, antibodies and/or human mRNAs can be self-delivered intra-skin via arm patch, nasal spray, sublingual pill and/or eye drop, at the point of contagion/contamination.
SAS Super Auto Supplement
Ex-vivo nano intra-skin antibodies, Human mRNA for anti-viral proteins, vitamins/nutrients for immune defense supplementation, nano delivered via intra-skin arm patch, nasal spray and sublingual pill, for in-vivo direct/indirect cure/prevention.
SAT Super Auto Test
Mescope, microfluid saliva, blood, urine, mucus, sweat, tear, can identify virus, viral proteins/antigens, viral damages via photonic imaging of cell phone, accessory lenses and network HAI, Human Artificial Intelligent enlargement/analysis, complemented by mini testing in mini-laboratory.