HIV/AIDS prevention-cure with natural low cost high efficiency Individual Universal Immunotherapy
C-Life-IUI-CBM-SAV-SAS-SAT. Partial-vaccination, anti-symptomatic/partial-obstruction drugs evolve/mutate HIV virus. Ex-vivo typify/quantify immune cells B/T/NK, antibodies igG/igH as cure path.
Viral, bacterial or fungal pathogens interact with host cells in different ways and the immune system responds to each type differently with a customized immune response evolving various mechanisms to effectively combat these diverse threats in-vivo that can be replicated ex-vivo in ideal space/time.
Viruses are intracellular pathogens, they must enter host cells to replicate. They attach to specific receptors on the host cell surface, enter the cell, and hijack the host's cellular machinery to produce new viral particles. This process often results in cell damage or death.
Immune system response to viruses involves cytotoxic T cells, as CD8+ T cells, that kill infected cells, and Natural Killer, NK cells that destroy cells lacking normal MHC class I molecules. Antibodies produced by B cells can neutralize viruses and prevent them from infecting new cells.
HIV prevention/cure, in-vivo Helper-T, Macrophage, Monocyte, Dendritic Cells CD4 vulnerability, supplemented by ex-vivo Antigens as gp120/140/160/41, Antibody Antigen tag IgG with Broadly Neutralizing Antibody IgH tag at CD4, Antigen loaded Killer T/B-cells and Natural Killer/Neutrophil Cells.
Considering the premise that HIV virus fuses with CD4 receptor/CCR5-CXCR4 co-receptors of Helper T-Cells and that Macrophages/Monocytes/Dendritic cells also have CD4 receptors, these cells are vulnerable for entry/replication, potentially leading to AIDS, Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.
HIV-IUI ex-vivo strategy can be to supplement this in-vivo vulnerable process with NK, Neutrophil, B, Killer T, antigen loaded cells, neutralizing Antibodies based on different antigens, as HIV gp120 binding with CD4, as Ig-A-D-E-G-M mono-di-pentamere Immunoglobulins, best being IgG with IgH Heavy chain.
IgH, Immunoglobulin Heavy chain, a BNAbs, Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies, coming from IVIGI-2 gene, attach generically to cell receptors as CD4, protecting them from binding viruses, blocking their entry point, as HIV gp120/160/41 glycoproteins, locking to CD4 of Hepler-T-D-M-Macrophage cells.
In-vivo antibody inducing antigens, as HIV gp120/160/41 glycoproteins, were used in vaccine trials with 25-31% efficiency, which is reasonable, compared to usual approved allopathic medicine drugs. Their efficiency is lowered by retroviral drugs, by voluntary partial vaccination, raising viral load/mutation.
B cells with CD2/CD5 receptors would be protected from HIV, could produce even more antibodies to attach to gp120, block HIV attachment to helper T-cells and other CD4 vulnerable cells. Once HIV is cleared the population of helper T-cells and other CD4 receptor cells can be replenished in/ex-vivo.
Ex-vivo antigen loaded Killer T-cells, primarily expressing CD8 receptors, are not a primary target of HIV virus, so they can help to eliminate virus infected cells, destroying the ones that present viral antigens such as gp120 protein that bind to CD4/CCR5-CXCR4 receptors such as in Helper-T-Cells.
Counter-trojan-horse Helper T-cells could attract HIV viruses, but contrary to vulnerable one, this cell would not allow the HIV to replicate and/or would destroy them. Many strategies can be constructed ex-vivo where space, time, quantity, type of cells and antibodies can be managed.
CBM, Cell Bank Medculture, replicates the scaffold bone marrow environment to produce stem/stromal and immune cells. The entire blood, lymph and bone marrow of an HIV contaminated patient can be replenished until eradication, via intra-venal supplementation.
SAV-SAS Super-Auto-Vaccine, Super-Auto-Supplementation is a intra-skin nano antigens, antibodies, mRNA exosome protein supplements skin-patch, sub-lingual-pill, nasal-spray that can deliver individual vaccine, individual supplementation or less effective general antigens with adjuvant antibodies.
C-life is a mini (25 cm) or macro (2.5m) cubic cell medical culture to produce cells, tissues, organs and bodies, in a scaffold similar to the human body for enhanced productivity, offering a continuous supplementation ex-vivo to the in-vivo similar process, with the difference of higher ex-vivo control.
Patented multi retroviral drugs, that interfere in several stages of virus replication, are extremely expensive by economic power overprice abuse, can be low efficiency, generate collateral effects, mutations on the virus, creating diverse/super viruses, that need new drugs, in a vicious cycle.