Cartilage supposedly does not grow in adults (as supposedly cardiac or neuron cells), according to traditional medicine, but in fact they all have low growth if stimulated, that in the case of cartilage, with continuous attrition it's not able to regenerate significantly or at all. However if significantly replacing walking for biking for example, meniscus cartilage from knee for example may regenerate partially over many years, combining with muscle strengthening to reduce pressure at articulation.
Supercart is a super cartilage system for a significant rapid regrowth, regeneration, strengthening of cartilage by combining a protection bio-glass (polymer/silica that recombines/regenerates/self-heals after stress) and/or strong/elastic hydrogel with clay/carbon nanoparticle, for a biocompatible porous structure/scaffold, both 3D printable, that can also permit natural regrowth and/or additional implanted lab grown cultured cells (extracted from internal nose) and/or stem cells between the structure.